Custom PDUs

PDUs for Any Application.  From Prototype to High Volume Production.

Benefits Of Going With Custom PDUs

Power Distribution Units (PDUs) are the ideal solution to enhance uptime and efficiency when managing and distributing power to networking, server, and computer equipment, especially when they are a part of data centers. 

However, Power Distribution Units found in the market have varying specifications and features that don't always meet the needs of a specific purpose. That's where custom PDUs prove to be the perfect solution. Raptor Power Systems collaborates closely with valued customers to create a custom PDU tailored for their application-specific purposes. 

A Solution For Your Unique Application

Going with standard products can limit what you can do with them. You may find that the product you purchased has missing features, and conversely, it has functions that you don't require for your application.

With a custom PDU, you will have complete control over your unit's internal and external specifications, such as:

  • Input/Output Voltage Types
  • Connector Type and Quality
  • Output Circuit Breakers
  • Enclosure Type
  • Remote Control & Monitoring Options
  • LCD Meter Display
  • Various Additional features

Ensuring High-Quality Power

Your computer, security, communication, and other electronic equipment require clean and stable power to function optimally and reliably. Any noise in the input signal can cause poor performance, incorrect functionality, and damage. The ideal solution to counteract these problems is to use a custom PDU with the right specifications, such as:

  • Protection from spikes with MOV and surge suppression modules
  • Suppression of noise for a clean power output with EMI/RFI filtering

Saving Up On Space With Power Sources Consolidation

You can save up on valuable space in your office or facility by consolidating your power sources into a single PDU. That will eliminate the need for multiple PDUs. This approach also facilitates cable management, control, and monitoring. 

Power consolidation can be achieved by adding the following features into your custom PDU: 

  • Main power supply switching from AC to DC to power DC loads using an AC source
  • Voltage conversion to step up or down the voltage as needed via a transformer or digital double conversion
  • Integrated UPS system for backup and controlled shutdowns.

Ease Of Management And Monitoring

Accessing instant and accurate data about your PDU is crucial for detecting potential problems and addressing them before any damage to your valuable equipment occurs. 

With a custom PDU, you can add a host of specifications and features that allow you to easily manage and monitor your power distribution, such as:

  • User-friendly LCD meters for voltage, current, and temperature data
  • Communication port for remote control and monitoring software
  • RC controller board that doubles as a web server for internal software hosting

Collaboration With A Team Of Expert Engineers

The experienced engineers at Raptor Power Systems specialize in creating high-reliability PDUs that combine elegant designs with excellent function. So you can rest assured that you'll enjoy a host of advantages that you can't get anywhere else that include, and not limited to:

  • An efficient design process that reduces overall manufacturing time
  • Matching of components for maximum efficiency, reliability, and overall quality
  • Throughout testing and certification to meet the highest standards and rigorous regulatory needs
  • A truly collaborative approach that puts you in the drivers seat

Download the 2021 Custom PDU Brochure

Examples of Custom PDU Options

custom and standard
PDUs and UPS systems
© 2024, Raptor Power Systems


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3611 N Staley Road STE D
Champaign, IL 61853

607 Industrial Way W
Eatontown, NJ 07724
